What We Do

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Our Best Services

Content Development & Publishing

We produce different types of content such as success stories, newsletters, case studies, scripts for audio visual productions, scripts for TV/radio programs, articles, letters, content for web & social media, etc.

TV shows - Morning Shows, Talk Shows, Prime Time Shows

As per the requirement of our clients, we manage their presence on TV shows such as morning shows, talk shows, prime time shows etc. For this purpose we have established the trust and relations in the media industry.

Preparatory session can also be arranged with the focal person appearing on TV shows.

Media Presence (Events)

As per request of clients, we invite and ensure presence of leading TV channels, newspapers and news agencies on the events for coverage of events.

As a part of coverage, we also manage short interviews of eminent guests at the events by the media representatives present at the event

Features & Articles Placement (Print & Digital)

We develop and publish articles in desired publishers and newspapers aimed to enhance outreach and get third party validation.

Trainings (Media, Youth & Communities)

We develop and conduct engaging and interactive training programs, customized as per clients’ requirements for media personnel, youth and community members along with other professionals.

Development & Telecast of News Packages on TV

Besides ensuring presence of TV channels crew on events and activities, we also ensure airing of news packages in their news bulletins. Recording of which is shared with the client.

Media Relations (Formal & Informal)

With the help of our experience and repute in the media industry, we enjoy trust of media professionals which helps us convey an organizations’ mission, objectives and practices in a positive way

Audio Visual Productions – short videos, show reels, video documentaries

We are experts in everything that is required to make an impactful and strong short video, show reel or video documentary.

From conceiving the idea to script writing, story boarding, taking video shots, voice overs, editing and post productions, our highly professional staff is equipped with all that is needed.

Photography / videography

Photography and video coverage of events, meetings, projects, on-field activities, testimonials are pre-requisite parts of initiatives. We have experts on board responsible to capture all aspects of coverage. We deliver our best by understanding client’s requirements and producing content as per requirement.

As a value addition, we provide our clients a short video of around 4 to 5 minutes of the whole activity for a quick reference.

Press Conference

We ensure presence of leading media organizations’ representatives in the press conference along with other event related arrangements.

After press conference we get involved in the follow ups too.

Press Release Publishing (Print & Digital)

We ensure publishing or press release in leading English, Urdu and Regional newspapers, blogs and websites.

Besides publishing, we also edit and write press release for our clients to enhance the news worthiness and make it best choice for leading dailies.

Engaging Social, Media Influencers

We engage renowned social media influencers to share key messages and services/products with their wider group of followers to enhance the outreach and visibility

Crisis Communications

We have certain systems, protocol s and industry experience through which we responds to the crisis situation and mitigate its effects

Media Monitoring (Print, Digital, TV)

Digital Time Communications is actively involved in the process of scanning public information on print, TV or digital platforms for keywords on a particular required topic.

In the time of digital revolution, we can help increase your tweets volume and bring you on top twitter trends. For this we also help you identify key words and hashtags for your campaign

Radio Productions

We produce and broadcast programs, radio campaigns on different development initiatives, themes such as magazine show, interviews, announcements, dramas, audio documentaries along with brief public service messages.

The formats and themes are agreed pre-production meeting with clients and Radio teams. We ensure monitoring of broadcast and provide post broadcast sheets and outreach reports.

Event Management

We offer immaculate event management services including logistics, event decor, SMD installation and setup, standees, IEC material, sound system, catering services and all what is required to make an event a big success

Designing Communication Strategies

We thoroughly engage with our clients to understand their objectives, audience, key message, budget and all connecting things and accordingly develop communication strategy for them to maximize their impact and achieve goals.

  • 1
    Content Development & Publishing

    Content Development & Publishing

  • 2
    Press Conference

    Press Conference

  • 3
    TV shows - Morning Shows, Talk Shows, Prime Time Shows

    TV shows - Morning Shows, Talk Shows, Prime Time Shows

  • 4
    Press Release Publishing (Print & Digital)

    Press Release Publishing (Print & Digital)

  • 5
    Media Presence (Events)

    Media Presence (Events)

  • 6
    Engaging Social, Media Influencers

    Engaging Social, Media Influencers

  • 7
    Features & Articles Placement (Print & Digital)

    Features & Articles Placement (Print & Digital)

  • 8
    Crisis Management

    Crisis Management

  • 9
    Trainings (Media, Youth & Communities)

    Trainings (Media, Youth & Communities)

  • 10
    Media Monitoring (Print, Digital, TV)

    Media Monitoring (Print, Digital, TV)

  • 11
    Development & Telecast of News Packages on TV

    Development & Telecast of News Packages on TV

  • 12
    Twitter Trending

    Twitter Trending

  • 13
    Media Relations (Formal & Informal)

    Media Relations (Formal & Informal)

  • 14
    Radio Productions

    Radio Productions

  • 15
    Audio Visual Productions – short videos, show reels, video documentaries

    Audio Visual Productions – short videos, show reels, video documentaries

  • 16
    Event Management

    Event Management

  • 17
    Photography / videography

    Photography / videography

  • 18
    Designing Communication Strategies

    Designing Communication Strategies